This is a 45 capsule supply of organic Magic Mushroom powder and herbs designed by Alkemi for mood balance, fully nourishing the body, supporting the kidneys, daytime or nighttime anxiety, calm and tranquil curiosity. I consider it nootropic (with Blue Spirulina, Bacopa, Gotu Kola, and Gingko Biloba) and prefer to take it twice throughout my day for focus and intuition as well as creativity enhancement. Start having blissful days and discovering easier flow patterns and work arounds to problems with this original formula by MUSHROOMSHAMAN brand.
More details about all the ingredients coming soon. We’ve tested this formula for 10 months now with great success!
Helps with stress and workday or parental focus and can be especially good for mom’s of young children, postpartum depletion and depression. This dose is much lower than most people’s threshold dose and will not as a single capsule bring on any noticeable head changes (not causing visual tripping).
Our spiritual, religious and holistic health supplements are designed as a daily prayer practice and include shamanic mushrooms aka Sacrament powder (Organic and Natural).
It’s important to cycle on and off with this supplement, using it a few days in a row until effects shift and your body builds a natural tolerance then take 24 hours to 48 hours off and begin again.
B-BLYS or Blue Bliss ORIGINAL RECIPE (now called Bronze Level – Lowest Microdose):
- Moringa Leaf (Organic Powder)
- Gotu Kola (Organic, Extracted Powder)
- Bacopa (Organic, Extracted Powder)
- Gingko Biloba (Organic, Extracted powder)
- Schisandra Berry (Organic, Extracted Powder)
- Blue Spirulina – Phycocyanin (Organic, Extracted Powder) -YES, its BRIGHT BLUE COLORED
- Sacramental Mushroom Powder (cultivators’ choice, organic, 62.5mg -often PE or Golden Teachers)
In vegan capsules. Suggested serving size is 1 or 2 capsules as needed. Can be taken at night or daytime. This is great for anytime anxiety, nourishing the body, specifically the kidneys, and mood stability. It’s very antidepressant and fun to take these.