THIS BATCH: RARE and ONCE IN A LIFETIME; Made the Week of the Springtime Eclipse 2024 (our stuff takes multiple days to extract). Once it’s out of stock, this will never come back into stock but other astrological gold elixirs will be made.
Each batch is handmade and created in a ceremonial setting and its astrological Sun and Moon positions are recorded by Hugh T Alkemi. If you order this particular item, you will receive 1 ounce of mixed Ormus and Saffron (extracted in Vodka) in a dropper bottle. Ormus is made from an extraction of dead sea salts using artisan water from either Sedona AZ, Aguanga CA, or Jemez Springs NM. This original Alkemi elixir helps to balance the masculine and feminine, solar and lunar, qualities of the substance and the body. It can be described as having a relationship with a person who has their Sun (birthday sign) in Aries and their Moon in Cancer. Saffron is the world’s best natural mood enhancer, supports good sleep, and is very supportive for anxious persons/situations. Saffron is also a reputed aphrodisiac and known to be worth more than its weight in gold (metal), at times throughout history.
Saffron extraction is in alcohol usually vodka, so in additions to water, salt, ormus gold, and magnesium there is a small amount of alcohol in this tincture.
Please enjoy this product orally (about 1 squeeze at time, multiple times a day), in water or food (post cooking), or in your garden for plants or mushrooms that would like both alkaline liquid or magnesium minerals as fertilizer. Do NOT place in sunlight or other forms of radiation including near cell phones, without a protective foil wrapper.