This is a 30 capsule supply of organic Mushroom powders and herbs designed by Hugh T Alkemi for microdosing, anxiety, calming and tranquility before bed or anytime of day, it contains shen encouraging herbs, and promotes quite contemplation, compassionate emotional process (empathy), ease of meditation (Zen), and dreaming.
In Chinese Medicine, Shen herbs include Reishi or Ling Shi mushrooms (like the ones in the formula), and the goal or sensation that accompanies the use of these herbs in medicine is calmness of mind, grounded-ness and the feeling of safety and trust around the heart so it can rest and relax. Reishi mushroom is considered a royal herb in TCM and is very guiding of this whole formula.
It also supports the proper functioning of the immune system. Helps with stress and workday or parental focus. This dose is much lower than most people’s threshold dose and will not as a single capsule bring on any noticeable head changes (not causing visual tripping).
Our spiritual, religious and holistic health supplements are designed as a daily prayer practice and include shamanic mushrooms aka Sacrament powder (Organic and Natural).
It’s important to cycle on and off with this supplement, using it a few days in a row until effects shift, take 24 hours to 48 hours off and begin again.
AD Angel’s Dream:
- Reishi Mushroom (Organic, Extracted Powder)
- Maitake Mushroom (Organic, Extracted Powder)
- Agaricus Blazei- The Sun Mushroom (Organic, Extracted Powder)
- L-Theanine (extract powder -comes from Green Tea Plants)
- Shaman Select Mushroom Powder (cultivators’ choice, organic, 83mg -often PE or Golden Teachers)
In vegan capsules. Suggested serving size is 1 or 2 capsules per day or as needed. Can be taken at night or daytime. This is great for night-time anxiety, dreaming and mood stability.